LATHOS Installation

S1 Artspace, Sheffield,  June 2011

5 Responses to LATHOS Installation

  1. Martin Elms says:

    I really like this. I keep thinking of Nick Evans’ remark “Why is it that whilst the world outside spirals in ever tighter circles of terror and repression, artists retreat further into a hermetic world of abstraction, formalism, deferred meanings and latent spiritualism?” This is not an artwork which hides itself in art but does make one at least toy with the possibility of an artist making art that could change things in society. If one believes that art is meaningless if it is just a reflection of society or has an uncritical relationship with society then this is not meaningless. And it is not just a lens for critical observation important though that is, it has a practical application. look forward to being associated with the project in the future.

  2. Irene says:

    Wow! Three prototype tools to get drinking water! Leonardo would be very proud of this, actually, of the background table… he was a designer and an inventor who was painting just to get some rest… and i think that he was subversive enough to celebrate the open source idea!

  3. Ellie Bond says:

    This is great! Lovely idea and nicely presented. Very interesting, even for someone like myself who has little knowledge on this subject!

  4. PlastiCités says:

    Fabulous project!

  5. utopia says:

    Its great, fabulous…very proud of you Evi and Christos,for having been lifetime seduced in art.

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